18/11/1894 - 26/10/1962
Record updated 04-Jun-07
Raced at Indy tree times, 1925, 1926 and 1927 with a best finish of 9th in 1925 driving a Miller.
William E. Shattuc was born in Madisonville, Ohio, the grandson of William Bunn Shattuc, a former Congressman from Ohio. He was a practicing pulmonary physician in Louisville, Kentucky which earned him the nickname "Doc". He arguably was the first member of his profession to race at Indianapolis.
He raced in AAA between 1924 and 1928. He never won a feature but he did finish second on the boards of Culver City on 1924 and in Atlantic City in 1926.
At Indy he qualified 13th in 1925 finishing 9th. His two other races there finished in retirements. A broken valve putting him out in 1926 and 1927. He returned to the Brickyeard in 1928 to drive relief for Henry Kohlert from lap 59 to 115.
Jeff Bucknum
LeeRoy Yarbrough
Joie Chitwood
Lake Speed
Dan Gurney
Tony Bonadies
Paul Goldsmith
Herb Shannon
Warren Bentley
Teddy Mayer