Record updated 12-Apr-07
LeRoy Van Conett of Galt California, a sprint car Hall-of-Famer, who was quoted in the Napa Register in 1975 after winning a NARC sprint car main event on a dry-slick Calistoga Speedway. LeRoy, 40 years-old at the time, and in his prime said with wisdom...
"We made several changes to the car during the evening, mostly tires and gears. It was dangerous in the early going. In situations like tonight, I drive very carefully and defensively in the first part of the race, trying to avoid the accidents. I stay low in the turns and stay extra alert. After the traffic spreads out, I'll look for the breaks and go high when I think it'll work. But I'm not one to take unnecessary chances"
He won the Northern Auto Racing Club (NARC) title in 1969, ’70, ’75, ’77, ’78, ’80, ’81, and ’84.
He is a sprint car legend, who was still racing well into his '70s.
Charlie Kolb
Dick Meyer
Jason Leffler
Tim Richmond
Jim Hall
Peter Revson
Leroy Warriner
John von Neumann
Paul Goldsmith
Wendell Scott